Our Publications

NZ Low Vision Handbook
The NZ Low Vision Handbook is our 36 page A4 guide to coping with vision loss and all of it’s daily challenges. The Low Vision Handbook is available in large-print and Accessible PDF, a text document version, and an ePub version for reading on an iPad or tablet. We’re also working on an Audio version. The Low Vision Handbook will help you find suitable sources of advice and assistance, and how to make your thoughts and needs clear. There are sections on education, employment, and leisure, and also suggestions for managing around the home and when you're out and about.
Understanding … series
With the assistance of local Eye Health experts, the “Understanding …” series of booklets has been adapted from RNIB info, for relevance in NZ. There are currently 4 booklets available; RP, AMD, Cataracts and Retinal Detachment, with several more in production.
Other resources:
We have Amsler Grids [A5 Card with magnet on], the “Where do you turn … when you’re losing your sight” booklet [an overview of Retina NZ]. Retina Youth - “A Place For Us” is a DL sized colour brochure full of info and stories for young people by young people.
Retina NewZ, our quarterly newsletter, provides a mix of practical coping tips and suggestions, members’ stories, reports from our meetings, and articles on the latest developments in research and treatments. Members can receive their copies of the newsletter by email; formatted as a word document, an Accessible PDF, or an ePub; or by post as either an AudioCD or large-print version. The newsletter is also available through Blind Low Vision's online library service [Booklink] in the magazine section. If you would like to receive our quarterly newsletter regularly, join us by contacting: admin@retina.org.nz or download our membership form >>